Hi Folks,
We hope everyone is staying well. This Covid-19 is a tough nut to crack; it seems to get a little better, and a surge comes along. And what makes it worse it’s flu season, which makes it much worse. We know there’s a vaccine in the works with two pharmaceuticals, and they say it will be ready by the end of the year. I believe it will take six months for everyone to receive it. We just have to leave it to the experts and put our trust in them.
The Chief has talked to some of the Provost and I’ve have talked to some, and it seems the men are doing OK. It’s just so important to take care of ourselves during this time. I have to wonder if we’ll get back to somewhat normal, or the new normal, whatever that is. I know that some things will need to change. I just keep thinking what will happen at the Shrine; we need to get back.
I just missed this in the last issue, but the Chief has made the appointment of Lieutenant to Charles Mathison, a gentleman and a scholar, and whatever else I can’t think of. Congrats Charlie. Last issue I mentioned that Provost Guard member Ernie Dever was in a bad accident in June, I talked to him recently and he’s sill recouping, but doing much better.
It takes a special person to be able to work outside in some of the weather we endure in New England; whether it is blazing hot in July and August or freezing cold with wind and snow in January and February. If you are a person who likes the outdoors in all kinds of weather, we can use you in our Unit. If this would fit you, please give us a call
Chief C. “Nepo” Trepanier @ 978-578-9429
Capt. Tommy Carroll @ 781-771-3130