Well at least you can see their eyes! Above are five new members of Aleppo Shrine along with Illustrious Gary Bartlett at our first mini-Ceremonial at Aleppo. After new COVID restrictions sidelined our Ceremonial planned for November 7th, a plan was hatched to have a few mini-Ceremonials.
We knew we could only have twenty-fine attendees. We had to social distance and follow all the other pandemic guidelines, edicts, etc. We held several classes and invited five or six candidates along with their Lady to each class. Members of the Ritualistic Degree Team were on hand at each class to make sure the ritual was flawless.
After receiving their obligation, the candidates were Fezzed with the help of their Lady, Sponsor, or friendly Noble. All the new Nobles have been invited to come witness our next full ceremonial – whenever that is!!!! Until then, we’ll continue to hold our mini-Ceremonials as needed so that Masons who are anxious to get involved with Units and Clubs can do so.